
All Companies > Certified Companies > PerkinElmer


About the Company

PerkinElmer is a leading, global provider of end-to-end solutions that help scientists, researchers and clinicians better diagnose disease, discover new and more personalized drugs, monitor the safety and quality of our food, and drive environmental and applied analysis excellence. With an 85-year legacy of advancing science and a mission of innovating for a healthier world, our dedicated team of more than 16,000 collaborates closely with commercial, government, academic and healthcare customers to deliver reagents, assays, instruments, automation, informatics and strategic services that accelerate workflows, deliver actionable insights and support improved decision making.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

940 Winter Street
Waltham 02451

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Prahlad Singh

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