Tata Communications Limited

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About the Company

Tata Communications is a digital ecosystem enabler that powers today’s fast-growing digital economy. The Company enables the digital transformation of enterprises globally, including 300 of the Fortune 500 – unlocking opportunities for businesses by enabling borderless growth, boosting product innovation and customer experience, improving productivity and efficiency, building agility and managing risk. With its solutions orientated approach, proven managed service capabilities and cutting-edge infrastructure, Tata Communications drives the next level of intelligence powered by cloud, mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), collaboration, security and network services. From utility to transformation, connectivity is an essential fabric of sustenance for the economy. Tata Communications is committed to enabling Industry leaders in this New World of Communications™, with our unique promise of delivering secure connected digital experiences.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

Tower 4, 4th to 8th Floor,
Equinox Business Park,
LBS Marg, Kurla (W)
Mumbai 400070

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry

Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Amur Lakshminarayanan

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