auticon UKX

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About the Company

auticon is a global award-winning social enterprise driven by our mission to address the inequalities in employment for autistic and neurodivergent people and showcase the strengths of neurodiversity in society. For over 15 years we have enabled autistic people to thrive in successful careers as IT consultants, and in doing so we have had a measurable impact on the organisations we work with, changing perceptions of the commercial and cultural benefits of a neurodiverse workforce. We are proud to be the largest autistic-majority company in the world. We share this depth of lived experience through our holistic training and advisory services, to empower more businesses to be confident neuroinclusive workplaces.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

18, Crucifix Lane, London. SE1 3JW

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
63 employees
Company industry

Information Technology
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Andrea Girlanda

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