Bay Alarm Company

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About the Company

For over 75 years, we have provided more than typical security companies. We are committed to the communities we are a part of and the professional organizations that are dedicated to keeping those communities educated, safe and protected. We pledge to provide our customers with peace of mind and security as well as excellent personalized service. Each member of our experienced, professional staff is dedicated to the highest measure of service. We take great pride in our work and the Bay Alarm guarantee that our products, workmanship and services always exceed expectation.
Our employees have an average tenure of 10 years with Bay Alarm. All of our employees are background checked, licensed, and always carry their badge as proof. Over 90% of our customers are within a 1-hour drive from a local branch. Many of our employees receive over 2,000 hours of training over their time at Bay Alarm.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

5130 Commercial Circle
Concord, CA 94520

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Tim Westphal

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