Delt Shared ServicesX

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About the Company

We are a public owned but privately operated company that was founded in 2014 by our shareholders, Plymouth City Council and the NHS Devon Integrated Care Board. Organisations who work in the public interest, often without much recognition, make up much of our client and partner base. We seek to build long term, collaborative relationships for the benefit of the whole public interest sector. Running complex back-office operations is not part of core business for many organisations. Head teachers want to educate children, clinicians want to treat patients, firefighters want to rescue people. Nobody really went into these professions to worry about payroll, IT, HR, estates management or any of the other support services Delt provide. These back-office functions are what we do well, to let others focus on their core mission. At some point in our lives we, almost, all need to call on public interest support services and the ability to work with such organisations is not just a business opportunity, it’s the whole reason we exist.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

2 Derriford Business Park, Derriford, Plymouth, Devon UK

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Delt Shared Services
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Giles Letheren

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