GRAND Mental HealthX Featured company

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About the Company

GRAND Mental Health provides services for adults, children, adolescents, and families struggling with behavioral health issues, substance use issues, and integrated/medical needs in northeastern and north central Oklahoma. In business since 1979, GRAND Mental Health is a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) providing evidence- based mental health and substance use services integrated with primary health care. Becoming a CCBHC has allowed GRAND Mental Health to hire wellness coaches, dieticians, occupational therapists, behavioral health coaches and peer recovery support specialists to provide a larger spectrum of services to clients. GRAND Mental Health operates 27 clinics and centers in 13 Oklahoma counties, employing more than 1,700 people. GRAND Mental Health strives to provide personalized care, anytime, anywhere. GRAND Mental Health works closely with and is partially funded by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

6128 E 38th St, Tulsa OK

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Hospital & Health Care
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Larry Smith

Our Certifications

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Certified Company
Parents & Caregivers
FOR Parents & Caregivers


Why is GRAND Mental Health a Most Loved Workplace®?

Our employees see the vital role they play in achieving that vision, and they see real value in the work we do to better the communities we serve. Communities they call home. Our staff is invested in GRAND, just as we are invested in them. We hire the best and then provide them the training, tools and autonomy to take their careers forward. We also really care for one another. We’re in the business of saving lives and that’s not always easy or fun. We look out for each other every step of the way.

Our values are aligned with our employees because they are based on our employees. Our company is only as good as the people who work here. What we look for in an employee is what we want to present as an organization. Integrity, Teamwork, Quality, Responsibility – all values we hold dear because they ring true for the people who work for us. Innovation is another value we reach toward as a company and our staff exemplify that, too. In the battle to end mental health disease, there is no playbook. Our team does whatever it takes to make people’s lives better.

Walking the walk. Our CEO has spent the past 30+ years living every aspect of our company. He has risen through the ranks and leads from a place of compassion, conviction, and a foundational belief that it is the people of GRAND that make the difference. He works hard and expects his team to do the same. He serves as a servant leader to our clients and expects his team to do the same. Everything we do is about providing the very best client care.

Inviting and encouraging open dialogue. This starts with Leadership and permeates throughout the entire company. Our Executive Team members are regularly “in the trenches,” accessible to front-line care providers and all staff in between. Routine “road shows” by our COO consist of full-day visits to each clinic for one-on-one direct interaction with the teams. It’s a full day of interaction and engagement. No voice is left unheard. If staff do not feel comfortable expressing themselves openly, we have a “Hey Josh” email address, just for staff to use when they want to communicate directly with the COO.

Our organizational philosophy and structure are designed to foster engagement and encourage team dialogue. Everyone has a seat at the table. From senior leadership to all departments and disciplines portfolio-wide, the GRAND Mental Health way centers on open communication, caring stewardship, and mutual trust & respect for all team members. Rather than function in siloes based on individual duties and expertise, at GRAND we create treatment teams. Every GRAND treatment team is led by an Integrated Team Manager (ITM) who serves as the center of the spoke for all team/client interaction. It’ the team culture that makes GRAND grand.

Pension, compensation, wellness days, flexibility


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