tbi bank

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About the Company

𝐭𝐛𝐢 bank is a challenger bank in South East Europe and regional leader in alternative payment solutions, building an ecosystem by combining financing and shopping to address customers’ needs. It focuses on helping merchants to grow their business as well as providing consumers with financial products and services that make their lives easier. Currently operates in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Germany, and Lithuania. Through various digital channels and trusted partnerships with over 26,000 merchant stores, 𝐭𝐛𝐢 has a customer base of 2 million clients and issued nearly 750,000 loans in 2023. Its business model and customer-focused approach resulted in becoming one of the most profitable and efficient banks in the region.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

Bulgaria, Romania & Greece.

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Financial Services
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Petr Baron

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