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About the Company

XYZ is a technology company that provides domain names and related services to individuals and businesses worldwide. As a leader in the industry, XYZ has a wide range of products, from its flagship domain .xyz to category-specific domains like .Rent and .College. XYZ was founded in 2011 in order to bring innovation and choice to internet users seeking a web presence. By connecting generations X, Y, and Z we have given all age groups the opportunity to grow their projects, brands, and businesses with new domain names.
XYZ is a diverse company with several brands including ITMedia Solutions (Fintech), DEV.XYZ, and XYZ.RENT (Real Estate).

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

2800 Olympic Blvd Suite 100, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry

Information Technology
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Daniel Negari

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