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The Leader

with Lou Carter

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Each episode offers advice and best practices from CEOs at Most Loved Workplace® Certified companies that know when employees love their company culture, it's good for business, customers, community, and the world.

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Executive Summary Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Leader Show with Lou Carter. Our guest today is Mihir Shukla, the CEO of Automation Anywhere, a highly sought-after company that provides barrier-free automation technology to empower individuals to reach their full potential.  So, without further ado, let’s find out what makes Automation Anywhere a Most Loved Workplace®. Automation Anywhere: Empowering Knowledge Workers Through Robotic Process Automation and AI Lou begins the dialogue by asking Mihir about Automation Anywhere and what the company does. Shukla highlights that it is an enterprise software company focused on robotic process automation and artificial intelligence. Their... 

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Executive Summary Hello and welcome back to The Leader Show With Lou Carter! Today, we are delighted to welcome Halsey Cook Jr., the CEO of Milliken & Company, a leader in the manufacturing industry with over 30 years of experience. On the agenda is Milliken & Company’s recognition as a Most Loved Workplace® and how the company created a strong culture through career development programs and team recognition initiatives. Halsey’s conversation with Lou also touches on the significance of being an employer people love working for and how it has impacted the company. If you would like to nominate your... 

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Executive Summary Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to the Leader Show with Lou Carter. We are continuing our conversation with Temple Grandin. Temple was the subject of the HBO movie bearing her name, played by Claire Danes, and is a hero to the Neurodiverse community and beyond.  In the previous episode, she discussed various topics related to autism, neurodiversity, and visual thinking. She also discussed the importance of recognizing and showcasing different thinking skills and the need for collaboration between different types of minds. Today, she delves even deeper into the topic of neurodiversity. So, without further ado, let’s look... 

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Executive Summary Transforming Digital Media: Jay Friedman’s Journey With The Goodway Group Greetings, everyone! On The Leader Show With Louis Carter, our guest today is Jay Friedman, the CEO of Goodway Group. Goodway Group delivers a holistic approach to digital media strategy and execution, leveraging sophisticated techniques for data analysis, insights, and customized consulting services. In this episode, Jay discusses Goodway Group’s journey to getting certified as a Most Loved Worplace® and shares some crucial advice for budding entrepreneurs. He talks about transforming the digital marketplace and the successes that Goodway Group has enjoyed in this segment. Now, without further... 

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Executive Summary Welcome, everyone! We are delighted to have you on board for The Leader Show hosted by Louis Carter. Your presence here is a testament to your keen interest in learning and expanding your knowledge in the realm of leadership. Our guest today is Patrick Ryan, CEO of Ryan Specialty Group, a global insurance company that offers innovative solutions to insurance carriers, agents, and brokers with specialized needs. In this episode, he discusses his values, professional journey, and the core principles that have shaped his leadership and the organization. So, without further ado, let’s jump in! A Leader’s Values... 

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Executive Summary Hello folks! Welcome back to a brand new episode of The Leader Show with Lou Carter. As Lou is away traveling, Scott Baxt, the head of research at Most Loved Workplace, is stepping in to host this episode. Our guest today is Brian Scudamore, the founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, a comprehensive junk removal company that caters to various regions across the United States. So, without further ado, let’s find out what makes O2E Brands (the parent company of 1-800-GOT-JUNK) a Most Loved Workplace®. An Organization Should Focus On Finding The Right People Scott gets the ball rolling... 

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Executive Summary Hi everyone! Thanks for joining us on The Leader Show with Lou Carter. Today we cover the first part of Lou’s interview with Dr. Temple Grandin, a renowned author, and academic, well-known for her research in autism and animal behavior. In this episode, the speakers discuss topics such as autism, neurodiversity, working with companies as neurodiverse individuals, and Temple’s new book Visual Thinking. Now, let’s jump right in! Visual Thinking Is Important In Both Education And Business  Dr. Grandin gets the ball rolling by discussing her new book, “Visual Thinking,” which emphasizes the value of thinking in images... 

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Executive Summary Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to The Leader Show with Lou Carter. In this episode, Lou interviews Amy Errett, the CEO, and founder of Madison Reed. The speakers discuss Madison Reed’s recognition as a Most Loved Workplace and its commitment to employees and customers. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!     Leaders Should Find Ways To Foster A Sense Of Community Among Its Employees   Lou starts the conversation by asking Amy how Madison Reed develops and creates a sense of community within the company. In response, Amy explains that for Madison Reed, community means letting people bring... 

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Executive Summary Hey folks! Welcome back to the Leader Show with Lou Carter. Our guest today is Dr. Christopher Chen, the CEO of ChenMed, America’s leading primary healthcare provider. In this episode, Chris shares the importance of providing underserved communities with love and value-based care and what makes ChenMed a Most Loved Workplace®.  Now, with that said, let’s jump right in!  Love Should Be The Foundation For Building Relationships Among Employees Lou starts the conversation by asking Chris how ChenMed integrates love into its workplace culture. In reply, the ChenMed CEO highlights three factors that have helped the company become... 

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Hello everyone! Thanks for joining us on this episode of The Leader Show with Lou Carter. Today, Lou interviews executive coach Marshall Goldsmith about his new book, “The Earned Life,” which explores the source of today’s existential crisis: regret.  Goldsmith, who has coached over 200 CEOs and their management teams, helps readers identify the psychological and environmental roadblocks that prevent them from unlocking their best potential. In his new book, he examines the regret that stems from choices that alter our lives and haunts our memories.  With that said, let’s delve deep into the insights Marshall Goldsmith shares in this... 

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Creating Workplaces Everyone Loves

We assess, certify and brand your company as the workplace everyone wants to be at. Getting a Most Loved Workplace® certification is a highly coveted designation for organizations.

Louis Carter, CEO Most Loved Workplace

Your Host: Louis Carter

CEO and Founder at Most Loved Workplace®

Louis Carter specializes in best practice research, coaching, and facilitation as an advisor, speaker and best-selling author of 10 books on best practices including Change Champion's Field Guide and Best Practices in Talent Management. He has worked as a research advisor for the Prime Minister of the UAE - Dubai's HR Lighthouse Initiative, Pentagon, United Nations, and more than half of the Global F500 organizations. Carter is the recipient of ELearning! Magazine's Trailblazer Award, HR Tech Conference's Top Products Award, and Leadership Excellence Magazine's Best in Leadership Development for his work as founder and CEO of Best Practice Institute and the creator of the first social anytime 360-degree feedback tool, skillrater. He received his MA in Social/Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.