Cincinnati IncorporatedX

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About the Company

Originally founded in 1898 as the Cincinnati Shaper Company, Cincinnati Incorporated
(CI) is one of a handful of U.S.-based, build-to-order industrial machine tool
manufacturers, and has shipped more than 60,000 machines. Current offerings include:
press brakes, shears, powder metal presses, laser cutting systems, plasma cutting
systems, and additive manufacturing systems. From our modern 500,000-square-foot
plant and technical center, on a 300-acre site near Cincinnati, Ohio, we engineer and
build our machines to the standard of ruggedness required in the North American
market – with premium engineering features that stand up to years of rigorous use in
the most demanding environments.
Throughout the years, CI has successfully weathered many periodic economic
challenges associated with the American manufacturing industry. With Customer Service
being an integral component of our Mission statement and with a Focus on Customers
being one of our core values, we’ve remained a leader in the industry. In addition to a
legacy of continuous innovation, our ability to keep the customer in focus is our
enduring legacy. We still service machines built in the 1920’s. We recently supplied parts and serviced a Mechanical Shear which was originally shipped to the customer on September 26, 1951 – 72 years ago! CI is a great company, and we just celebrate our 125-year anniversary in 2023 under the same family ownership.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

7420 Kilby Road
Harrison, OH

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Machine Tool Manufacturing
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Tim Warning

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