Mehiläinen’s story is part of Finland’s story. At the turn of the 20th century, Finnish society, science and art started to become more Finnish. However, there was no Finnish-language hospital or medical vocabulary yet. A medical society, Duodecim, was founded for this purpose, with the aim of establishing the Finnish language in health care. Mehiläinen was founded 1909 by four doctors. Today, 114-year-old Mehiläinen is a rapidly developing and growing leader in the industry especially in Nordic region, but also in whole Europe. Mehiläinen invests in the possibilities of digitalisation and the effectiveness and quality of care in all its business areas. Mehiläinen is a well-known and highly valued private provider of social and healthcare services, offering comprehensive high-quality services in Finland and internationally. In order to grow and develop while maintaining a high standard of service, Mehiläinen needs competent, committed professionals. The professionals employed by Mehiläinen in a variety of jobs have a broad educational background. The youngest employees are under 20 years old, while the most experienced are in their 70s.
It is important for us to continuously develop our personnel’s competence. Most of the training provided by Mehiläinen is further or continuing vocational education or other professional training. Our work community is multifarious with respect to job descriptions and diversity of the personnel.
Mehiläinen is a broad-minded employer and treats its staff equally – this is also what our employees say. We want to be a work community in which differences between people and the associated strengths are appreciated. We want to ensure a good employee experience every day. In 2023, Mehiläinen employed a total of over 37,000 employees and private practitioners. Our full-time staff grew by 6 percent from the previous year, with an average of 14,200 employees.
The need for social and health care professionals will increase significantly within the next few years. This means that recruitment will become more challenging, which can also be seen in Mehiläinen’s operating environment. As a large, rapidly growing operator, Mehiläinen is excellently positioned to offer good jobs for professionals. We will continue to develop further training, coaching, internal career path opportunities and different feedback channels.
Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 17 C, Helsinki Finland
We are an exceptional success story in Finnish, Nordic, and European health and social services. Our company was founded back in 1909. We have grown and developed exceptionally during a period that has included global pandemics from the Spanish Flu to the Covid-19 pandemic, Finland’s independence, two world wars, the unification of Europe, and both economic booms and recessions. Despite Finland’s relatively small size, we are the largest social and health care group in the Nordic countries and one of the largest European companies in the sector. We operate on a strong value base, emphasizing our values and an entrepreneurial corporate culture. We invest heavily in our people and their growth and development. We are a stable, safe, and equal-opportunity employer, with Nordic values highlighted in our operations. People themselves describe Mehiläinen as flexible, reliable, and evolving. Our turnover and employer recommendation index (eNPS) are the best in the industry, and we have been awarded multiple times with the most ideal employer awards, the best employer image, and most recently as Finland’s most active workplace.
Values are genuinely present with us. Nearly all employees feel that they know our values. This unites all business lines. Values are also integrated into everything we do, starting from common events, all the way to rewards and even leadership training. Additionally, people feel that the values align very well with their own personal values.
Our CEO aptly describes the recent development of our company. He himself founded the company that Mehiläinen acquired. He is an entrepreneur who has worked in the company for the last 16 years, demonstrating a strong commitment. He believes in gentle but decisive leadership and serves as an example to the entire management team. Passion for work, growth, and development characterize his daily work.
As a company, we are growing and constantly developing. We all have the opportunity to participate, come up with new ideas and create something new for the benefit of our customers. For the past 114 years, we have been developing our operations with an open mind and boldly implemented new ideas. According to our personnel survey, our strengths include supervisory work and our work community’s team spirit. Our professionals describe us as flexible, reliable and developing.
Each one of us Mehiläinen professionals is different. But one thing unites us all – we’re on a lifelong mission. Our work community has a supportive and experimental atmosphere, where people feel comfortable. Our supervisors receive excellent feedback from their team members. In our supervisory work, we particularly value fairness, trust, support in everyday life, and the consideration of different opinions and views.
Good leadership, high quality, a functional and safe work environment, and the opportunity to develop are the most important employment benefits. In accordance with our EVP, we are “the best place for professionals on a lifelong mission.” Naturally, we offer excellent employment benefits, such as discounts on our own services, from our partners, sports and culture benefits, competitive salaries, and the opportunity for star performance and goal-based rewards. We celebrate success together, and every supervisor has the opportunity to use a certain amount of money for team activities and recreation.