
All Companies > Certified Companies > Oddbox
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About the Company

We are the UK’s fruit & veg box that fights food waste. We work closely with farmers & growers from all across the UK (& abroad), to rescue & fill up our boxes full of fresh, seasonal fruit & veg which are at risk of going to waste. The reason for this? They’re simply seen as too oddly shaped, too oddly sized, or even just – too many.
Alongside our community, we help make a difference to the planet each week – fighting food waste at farm-level, preventing unnecessary CO2e emissions and saving water along the way.
ODDBOX is a Certified B Corporation and will continue to make a difference to our planet with each & every box.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

The Food Exchange, New Covent Garden Market, London, SW8 5EL

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry

Food & Beverage

Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Emilie Vanpoperinghe

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