Thesis Systems UK LTD

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About the Company

At Thesis, we make the mission critical processes at colleges and universities easy, intuitive and effective. We offer a highly focused and standardized approach to solving core student administration issues. Building upon our legacy of SIS products (CAMS, QL and EMS), we’re proud to offer two modern, cloud-based solutions. With Thesis Student Management and Elements, we help universities deploy a predictable SaaS student system engine that cooperates with existing campus systems and, ultimately, powers change. We specialize in small to medium higher education institutions in Canada, the U.K. and U.S. Those who are seeking a modern, cloud-based student journey.

Company headquarters
Headquarters Location

400 Chesterfield Center Suite, Chesterfield, Missouri

Number of employees
Number Of Employees
Company industry
Computer Software
Company website
Company Website
Company ceo
Paul McConville

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