TITANS freelancers is the leader in outsourcing of IT specialists predominantly on the Slovak market. For more than a decade TITANS freelancers is helping companies to boost their IT project capacities.
With TITANS freelancers, companies can flexibly manage the size of their IT teams, promptly recruit new IT specialists and significantly reduce labour costs, while focusing on core business. The company has grown from strength to strength and has over 300 domestic and international clients in the portfolio and cooperates with over 22,000 IT specialists. On the other hand, IT specialists are offered very interesting, high-profile projects they can easily be proud of showing in their CVs.
From last year TITANS freelancers is working very closely with subsidiary TITANS CZ on the Czech market. The main aim is to build a strong and reliable international player in the IT outsourcing world.
Seberiniho 1, Bratislava, Slovakia